Veterans Association since 1987
VPB-111/VP-21Veterans Association
Vagabond News
Read the current edition of our newsletter.
VA and Squadron rosters and biographies.
Current and past reunion information.
Recent News & Updates

Our 2023 reunion was in May in Charleston, SC. Thank you to everyone who joined us!
Our next reunion will be in Brunswick, ME from September 12-14.
Veterans Association Since 1987

Our Mission
The VPB-111/VP-21 Veterans Association is a non-profit fraternal and historical association devoted to the reestablishment of contact with shipmates of the past, to strengthen the camaraderie among its members, to record and preserve the memories and incidents of the Association, to preserve the memory of our departed shipmates, and to promote the comfort and welfare of its members and survivors.
Navy Flyer’s Creed
I am a United States Navy flyer.
My countrymen built the best airplane in the world and entrusted it to me. They trained me to fly it. I will use it to the absolute limit of my power.
With my fellow pilots, air crews, and deck crews, my plane and I will do anything necessary to carry out our tremendous responsibilities. i will always remember we are part of an unbeatable combat team – the United States Navy.
When the going is fast and rough, I will not falter. I will be uncompromising in every blow I strike. I will be humble in victory.
I am a United States Navy flyer. I have dedicated myself to my country, with its many millions of all races, colors, and creeds. They and their way of life are worth of my greatest protective effort.
I ask the help of God in making that effort great enough.
Lt. Irving (Hallmark) Glick
VPB-111/Vp-21 Small Stores
Order: Commemorative Challenge Coins, Cloth Patches, Vinyl Decal, Buttons, Ball Caps, Polo shirts, Cocktail Glass, Books and CD.
Email Us

All of the above squadron designators actually refer to a single Patrol Squadron whose designation evolved over time. If you were a member of one of these designated squadrons, WELCOME HOME!
Please fill in the form and press SEND. The information you provide here is for the sole use of the VP-21/ VPB-111 Veterans Association and will NOT be shared with or disclosed to any other entity.