Gerald W. (Gerry) Connolly, Sr.

Author: Gerald W. (Gerry) Connolly, Sr.
Gerry was a VPB-11 PB4Y Liberator aircraft crewmember (waist gunner) during WWII


Now that I am close to reaching the century mark, I have been thinking more and more about my past. In fact, it is, at times, easier than remembering what I had for breakfast. When I was young, I was not a student. School just did not go well, and my parents did not know how I should proceed. With that in mind, when I was about 16½ and with World War II raging, I began pressuring my parents into letting me enlist in the Navy. Upon reaching my 17th birthday, November of 1942, with much reservation and apprehension, they signed off. I was sworn in at the Fargo Building in downtown Boston, Massachusetts, February, 1943. Navy personnel told me, “Sit on the floor and wait.” That was the beginning of waiting any time I went anywhere in the Navy.


“Join the Navy and see the world” was the perfect slogan for what I encountered. Many servicemen were assigned to one or two places. However, my numerous, varied experiences made it seem as though I were going through a different door each month. Over the following 4 years I served in every theatre of war: many missions took place in a number of countries and in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Youth provided a good function: Fear was minimal. On the other hand, anticipation was great!

Gerald W. Connolly, Sr.

While at Boot Camp at Lake Seneca, New York, I was read the Articles of War, took long marches and given a choice for extra duty. As part of the training, I worked in the dining room for a week. Entering the dining area, trainees were asked to put out their hands for examination. I, proudly, was assigned to serve floating butter squares with two bent forks. Those with “dirty” hands were relegated to the scullery and cleaning tables.

Walking through the kitchen, one of the macho, heavy, aproned chefs said, “Hey, Boot, how old are you?” He went on, “Bet I can guess your weight.” Then he said to another chef, “I bet you $5 I can guess his weight.” He turned to me and said, “Put your arms around me over my back.” He bent over to guess my weight while the other chef quickly took a paddle from under his apron and whacked the hell out of my bottom. What a way to learn!

Upon finishing boot camp, I had leave. Then, I was assigned to East Field, Norfolk, Virginia. Following training, my first duty was a barracks compartment cleaner. After that, I had night seawall fire duty, armed with a 45-caliber pistol. Subsequently, I was transferred to a newly-established B-24 squadron. These squadrons had been authorized by the joint Chiefs of Staff at Admiral King’s request. The Navy only had two-engine planes, such as PBM and the PBY seaplanes with limited range for submarine surveillance. “Old” B-24’s were secured from the Army for Navy training and familiarization.

When I transferred to the new squadron the duty officer offered me a job as either a messenger boy or a truck driver. Selecting the latter with no license or experience, I was given a stake truck, requiring double clutching. After considerable bucking, a seasoned sailor ejected me from the driver’s seat and taught me how to double-shift. My job consisted of taking crews to their planes for daily training flights.

The squadron, in part, was transferred to Oceana Naval Station, Virginia Beach, Virginia, where I began driving a large gasoline trailer truck for refueling. One day while winding the hose at the rear of the truck, with two men still on wings helping to refuel, the fan blade on the gas truck created a spark, igniting a fire. Everybody disappeared quickly! I stood there frozen. Thankfully, the fire diminished swiftly on its own.

The Army transferred submarine interdiction and recognizance to the new Navy B-24 squadrons. Each squadron consisted of 13-15 planes with 10-men crews; pilot, co-pilot, navigator, ordnance, radioman and machinist mates-gunners. The B-24 with eight 50-caliber machine guns would be the Navy’s largest plane with the longest range until the B-29 came along late in the Pacific.

Since I was scheduled to go overseas, my dad, an attorney working at the Justice Department in Washington, D.C., decided to see me off. He spent a night at the Cavalier Hotel in Virginia Beach.

The following day, he wanted to go swimming. I thought to myself, “OMG.” On each arm, I recently had tattoos of a sailor boy complete with hat and bell-bottom trousers. My name, “Billie Baby,” was under one tattoo; “Joe Baby,” my brother, a Naval lieutenant, under the other. I knew my father would flip out so I put tape covering each tattoo. He asked when we were at the beach, “What are those?” I told him, “They are my overseas shots.” He said nothing. I dove into the water, and as one of the tapes started to loosen, I panicked and quickly slapped it back on. I think I got away with it!

In early winter, the squadron flew from Virginia to St. Evel, England, via the northern route; Maine, Newfoundland, Iceland. The four-engine planes had a speed of about 275 mph, 6-8000 lbs. bomb load and almost a 3,000-mile range, depending on wind, weather and load. Several broke down enroute, others encountered bad weather, one was lost over Greenland, some had accidents and did not arrive until months later.

I, on the other hand, traveled alone, by sea plane tender, the USS Matagorda, from Boston, Massachusetts, with all the squadron’s gear. After a stop at Argentia, Newfoundland, for refueling, I found myself in trouble! A Coast Guard cutter pulled alongside. While the ship’s captain was yelling to our captain on the bridge, a coastie on the cutter saw me and asked where I was from. When I replied, “Boston,” he yelled, “Me, too. Come aboard.” I told him that I could not. He said, “Sure you can, just for a minute.” I jumped from my ship to his. We chatted briefly, and, much to my surprise, the cutter pulled off because its captain was more than a little upset that he couldn’t get our captain to respond. The cutter went barreling down the channel, and I was AWOL.

Luckily, the cutter pulled in on our side of the channel. I jumped out and ran like hell back to my ship. I was facing discipline. By chance, a refuse detail was coming towards me from our ship. I grabbed a pail handle and returned to the ship with the detail, saluted the duty officer and went to quarters, Whew!

We continued for six days, zig-zagging in winter weather to avoid German submarines, to Bristol, England. My assignment on board was the potato locker, where I cut my hand and went to sick bay for treatment. As luck would have it, the doctor, also hailing from Boston, gave me a “no duty” slip. Extremely rough seas during this time made it difficult to fire up the big stove for meals. Therefore, we existed mostly on soup and sandwiches.

One evening they called “general quarters,” signaled with a loud, blaring horn. Everyone rushed to their duty stations. I joined my 20-millimeter gun crew. There it was: a large sailing schooner with no sails, lit up like a Christmas tree with light bulbs on a cable from the bow to the top of the mast down to the stern. All of us looked in awe, our mouths open. Not a soul was on deck. How could this be? Here we are in the middle of the ocean with German subs here and there. It truly was a phenomenon, a ghost ship! No explanation was forthcoming from any of our officers.

Finally arriving in Bristol, England, we anchored at the mouth of a river, where we spent the night waiting for an okay to proceed. I decided to go topside to relieve myself overboard. I was caught, verbally disciplined and required to wash down the whole side of the ship on my knees. What a lesson that was!

As we wended up the river, factory workers on shore opened windows and waved. Arriving at a small harbor, where the ship could barely turn around, parachute bags were thrown from the deck to the pier. Some didn’t make it. That night we attended our first pub and had a surprise—beer was room temperature!

Returning to quarters, we witnessed couples “engaged” against buildings. I asked my senior partner, “What’s this all about?” He said, “This is common since there hardly is any privacy in the small row houses, and options for entertainment are few and far between. Also, in England, there’s a belief that by standing up a gal won’t get pregnant.” What a revelation that was for me, an inexperienced 17-year-old.

From Bristol, I was traveling through bombed-out Plymouth on a train when it briefly stopped. Girls with baskets of sandwiches arrived on the platform at the train’s windows. We eagerly helped ourselves and thoroughly enjoyed their smiles. As the train pulled out, I bit into a sandwich and, lo and behold, there was a note. “Hi Yank! My name is Alice and here is my address…, if you care to write.”

The train took us to our destination in Cornwall, Southern England, where we were stationed at St. Evel Airdrome, used by both the English and Americans. The crew was billeted in the town of St. Columb, at an old English castle out-building with one stove and mud everywhere. One day, as we were traveling on a bus, we were surprised to have the driver stop in the middle of nowhere and get out. On returning, he was carrying two bricks, real treasures in a time of severe shortages.

Later, we transferred to Dunkswell, a major base and airport for English and American flyers, where I worked in a hanger. On liberty, a couple of buddies and I were able to spend a short period in a distant town where we met some girls from the Land Army, whose members did agricultural work and lived in barracks throughout the counry. After engaging a few, we took them by taxi—a long trip to their barracks into the unknown countryside. Thank you’s were expressed for American chocolate and cigarettes, but there were no kissing departures. What a disappointment!

Unfortunately, we had sent the taxi away and had no transportation. It was late and we were hopelessly lost. We walked for an hour or two and came to a village. (All town and street signs, as well as house numbers, throughout England had been obliterated in case of downed German aircraft.) We knocked on doors seeking help but no one answered. Finally, a man, wearing a nightcap, opened a second-floor window and pointed us in a direction. We walked another hour or so until we saw a light in a low building, looked in and saw bakers kneading dough. They gave us further directions. After walking all night, we arrived back at base exhausted.

After several months, the squadron transferred to French Morocco, North Africa. Being the “low man on the totem pole,” I, again, traveled by the USS Matagorda to Casablanca Harbor and arrived early on a sunny morning, which happened to be my 18th birthday, November 8, 1943. I remember gazing up from the ship at Casablanca, rising up a hillside and appearing bright white and dazzling in the sun. We unloaded dusty, dirty cargo from the ship.

Later, in pelting rain, we drove many miles north along the coast of French Morocco, past Rabat, the capital. Reaching our destination, Port Leyautey on the Sebou River, we set up 4/5-person tents on brick platforms. Since nights in this part of the world were cold, we cleverly devised a stove using a lye can with a chimney going up the tent pole.

On a hill nearby was a brick house where officers were billeted. During this time, Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman were filming the famous movie, “Casablanca,” in the States. However, Bogart wanted to check out the Moroccan surroundings and visit servicemen. Some of our officers recounted that they had had a visit from Bogart and a female “friend” to whom, they said, Bogart had been rude and curt.

Every other week we received liberty. We traveled standing in an open stake truck to Rabat, where the King of Morocco, known to favor the USA, resided. When we arrived, we always were met by Arabs waiting to trade for francs. “How much you?” They desired American items, mostly wax-covered cartons of cigarettes, which we purchased for $10/carton from the Navy Ships Service. (We called them “gyp-joints.”) We hid the cartons in our pea coat sleeves. The Navy did not approve of resales. We easily could make enough money to pay for the day’s outing. However, the food and wine were not good.

Some of the French residents were friendly; others, mostly those of Vichy background, who were in power, were not. I became friendly with a young Arabian boy selling almonds rolled in paper, placed on a large round woven tray, which, at times, he carried on his head. He accompanied me as I wandered throughout his community. I always gave him a tip when I left.

Several sailors and I would purchase wine and wander through the Medina Marketplace, viewing a myriad of items for sale. Arab merchants from every corner constantly yelled at us to buy. We would look at items such as a Moroccan leather wallet or purse, and bargaining would begin. “How much, you? You, you, how much?” The price would be stated; we would offer less, he would say, “No, no. How much, you?” Bargaining went back and forth until we finally pretended to walk away. The merchant would follow yelling. Eventually, there was compromise.

Once, I decided to get a haircut. The French barber gave me a marcel. Oh, how terrible. When I returned to base, I immediately struggled to comb it out. My tent mates, hooting and laughing, were very unkind!

With an extended day’s leave, I was able to travel to Fez. While walking around I met a cute, young French girl, dressed in a military uniform and spoke some English. We walked for a while and enjoyed one another—definitely a high point of my stay in Africa. I was disappointed that I would never see her again.

During the day I worked in a hanger removing paint from planes in order for them to be repainted in sky and sea camouflage. After several months—to my surprise—a Lt. Commander (Executive Officer) Soverel asked me to join his crew as a starboard waste gunner. I had had no training: I guess he had faith in me. Flight crews were close and mutually dependent, sharing danger and duties. We took care of our plane, the Shady Lady, and officers took care of us. The crew, minus the officers, ate, slept and stayed together at all times except on liberty. We were always on call.

The squadron’s mission was to find German submarine activity. Flights of 10 to 15 hours—from dawn in the morning to dark at night—went to the Azores and Gibraltar, at the mouth of the Mediterranean Ocean. These were long, confined hours, always looking, always on watch. At that time, we encountered only one enemy submarine and made a run on it. We were too slow in reaching it before it submerged.              

GWC: Front row, left  

Several times we flew to the Rock of Gibraltar for liberty and supplies of eggs, silk stockings and perfume, which we could not get anywhere else due to rationing. Landing on the small square strip, doubling as a highway from Gibraltar to Spain, was a hair-raising experience. Planes were parked on each side of the runway with water on both ends of the landing strip. If a plane landed short or long it would be “in the drink.” As a plane came in, commerce on the highway crossing the landing strip was halted, meaning all people walking, horses and wagons, trucks, etc. On one occasion, the pilot allowed me to stand behind him and the co-pilot as we approached the runway. I was convinced we were not going to make it. Here I am to talk about it! By the way, the macaques, monkeys, on the Rock were cute and, at times, vicious beggars.

Later, Soverel, our pilot, was transferred back to the States. We got a new pilot, Lt. Fay, whose assignment was to return stateside so our plane could be scrapped at Quonset Point, Rhode Island. On the 4th of July, 1943, we assembled at Floyd Bennet Field, New York, for transport by a leased American Export Lines four-engine sea plane, to head back across the Atlantic. After takeoff engine trouble developed. We returned and rejoiced: How delighted we were to remain in New York City for the festivities. Among these was having a delightful lunch at the famous Longchamps Restaurant, arranged by my mother’s friend, “Aunt” Peg, with a crewmate, West Virginian Eddie Dumont, and being escorted by a beautiful model. The following day we flew by seaplane to Iceland, where we were met by water taxi, and had dinner in Reykjavik. We then continued our flight to Northern Ireland and, finally, Africa, to resume operational flights.

Several months later, we flew back to the States to Boca Chica Naval Air Station in Florida. From there we flew to Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and on to Belem, Brazil, the “Gateway to Amazonia.” Always being a sharp dresser, I did not miss an opportunity to purchase a gorgeous pair of leather boots. In my mind I still can see the beautiful hotel on a hill with a string ensemble playing on the balcony. A day later, we were in Natal, Brazil, and from there flew non-stop to Dakar, Africa. Finally, we arrived back at home base, Port Leyautey, French Morocco.

Sometime later, all planes and crews were transferred to the States. In order to make room for a ground officer I was bumped and sent home aboard the HMS Trouncer, a small aircraft carrier, from Casablanca. The British Navy’s crews were divided in two distinct parts, the Merchant Marines and the Royal Navy, not always compatible. One operated all the below-deck engines; the other was tasked with plane maintenance and on-deck plane handling. I was assigned to Merchant Marine duty for sleeping and eating accommodations.

November 8, 1944, my 19th birthday, occurred while onboard the Trouncer. Following tradition at that time, everyone received a grog of rum at lunch. And, because it was my birthday—again another tradition—everyone at the table contributed 1/3 of their grog to me. Needless to say, I spent the rest of my special day on the bunk. On another occasion, I went on deck and stood at the bow to enjoy fresh air and sunshine. Since, as a teenager, I had a lithe figure, a bunch of guys started whistling at me. What a humiliation! Those bastards!

My Atlantic stint was over–now on to the Pacific.

Arriving back in the States, I had a 7-day leave and went to my home in Massachusetts. After a week’s visit, I was eager to join the remainder of the squadron in Norfolk, Virginia. Then, in extreme heat for five days, I traveled the southern route in an old train with little air circulation to San Diego Naval Air Station, California. While there, I was sent to Border Field gunnery school.

Having a couple of days off, I decided to hitchhike to some “must-see” places, one of which was Hollywood & Vine. Late in the day, after stopping at a restaurant/bar and remaining until closing, I was invited by the bar tender and his girlfriend to go out. We bowled until the early morning hours. He took me to his home, where I slept on a couch and the next day went back to San Diego.

During another leave, I hitchhiked to Tijuana, Mexico, to attend races at the famous Caliente Horse Track. Servicemen were required to be off the streets by 5 pm. Since it was getting close to that time, I asked a man at a bar where to stay. He casually handed me a key to his upstairs room hardly looking at me. When I asked, “Aren’t you going to use it?” he replied, “No.”  while turning away. Apprehensively and with much trepidation, I went to his room. Nobody disturbed my peace that night. In the morning I went to the track and later back to base.

Two weeks later, we flew to Hawaii, where we were stationed at Kaneohe Naval Air Station. I remember a big party for Naval personnel held at Fleet Park. Bombing practice consisted of 100-pound water bombs dropped at low altitudes on surfboards pulled by motorboats. After further training, we flew to Eniwetok and Johnston Atolls for a night’s stay while enroute to Tinian Island. During the evening we attended a movie, but were warned to be cautious of rodents roaming everywhere. And, they were everywhere!

Arriving at Tinian, we caught sight of nearby Saipan, formerly a stronghold of the Japanese. Hiding in the jungle were hundreds of Japanese soldiers, civilians and forced Korean laborers, who, after the United States forces took over, committed suicide by jumping off high cliffs into the ocean. Later we learned that some even jumped with children. Many of these scenes have been depicted in television documentaries.

While on Tinian my closest crewmate (friends into our 90’s) and bow turret gunner, Eddie Dumont, and I decided to explore the jungle—against orders. Armed with 38-caliber Smith and Wesson pistols, issued to all crew members, we encountered a large metal water tank surrounded by carefully-raked sand. Japanese soldiers and/or Korean laborers would sneak down at night, punch holes in the tank, extract water and leave footprints. Venturing on, we came to a beautiful beach. While Eddie stood guard, I stripped, grabbed a snorkel, which I had made, and went into the water. What a beautiful scene the many-colored fish and seaweed provided!

One day someone came running into our barracks screaming about a new plane’s arrival at the airport. It was so large that no one had seen anything like it. It was the B-29. We hurried to the airport to view the plane, which was surrounded by guards, preventing us from getting too close. The B-29 Superfortress, Enola Gay took off from here on August 6, 1945, to drop the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan.

On Christmas Eve in the black of night, we heard loud bombing by Japanese Betty 2-engine bombers. As it continued, officers and crew members, believe it or not, climbed to the top of a quonset hut roof to watch the show taking place at our local airport.

Parked bombers were located on heart stands in areas off roads to runways. Somebody always was required to sleep in the planes at night with the bomb bay doors closed. At times, returning flights would toss garbage into surrounding areas. During the night, the Japanese would come out of the jungle to scavenge as well as try to get into planes. Having duty one night, I took my belongings (wallet, watch, etc.), put them into my white hat and proceeded to lie down in the after-station (rear) of the plane. Later, approaching me from the front, I heard “clank, clank, clank” on the metal deck. Being extremely nervous, I pulled out my revolver expecting someone to appear from the forward catwalk. Turning on my flashlight I saw two shining eyes. Fortunately, I soon realized it was a wild goat, which had gained access through the nose wheel. What a relief!

On December 12, 1944, our squadron flew near the Japanese stronghold, Iwo Jima, where we could see planes revving up from all the dust rising from their airfield. We continued flying over the nearby Bonin Islands of Chichi Jima and Haha Jima. (It was in this area where the future president of the United States, George Bush, Sr., was shot down in a TBF torpedo fighter bomber. He, as we know, survived, but his two-man crew did not.) As we returned over Iwo Jima, we were attacked by Japanese fighters, making two runs on us.

On December 26th, again approaching Iwo Jima, we, pilot Lt. Fay and crew, saw three Japanese fighters taxiing for takeoff, propellors raising clouds of coral dust in the process. We departed at high speed. The fighters pursued, trailing us. We dropped to within a few feet of the ocean to protect our underside. Strangely, they did not make any runs on us, but instead determined our altitude and air speed by flying alongside us just out of range. Suddenly, they flew in front of us at an identical air speed. “What the hell are they doing?” And, then it happened. They were dropping small parachutes with phosphorous bombs attached, which they hoped would burn holes through the plane. Thankfully that never happened.

1944 ended with attacking a Japanese fishing boat on the 29th. They were suspected of having high-frequency radio transmission equipment.

The Japanese had been fearful of making direct air attacks because we had so much “fire power.” Locations of eight 50-caliber machine guns were 2 in the tail, 2 in the starboard and port wastes, 2 on the top deck and 2 in the bow. Every gun had an automatic camera which recorded the paths of bullets. Credit for successful shots of the enemy never was given unless recorded. Underneath the tail turret was an automatic camera protruding from the fuselage that recorded accuracy of bombs or dropped depth charges.

At this point, let me digress a little to mention several things other than “fire power,” about the     B-24. The plane, carrying 3,200 gallons of gasoline in wing tanks and auxiliary bombay area, was operated by a three-blade radial Pratt and Whitney engine. As mentioned before, it was capable of attaining a speed of under 300 mph and had a range of under 3,000 miles.

Upon being airborne with full tanks of gas, fumes could siphon off trailing engines. At the same time, from the waste hatches we could see red hot pieces of carbon coming from the engine exhaust. We always were fearful of an explosion as the gas tanks and auxiliary wing tanks were filled to over-maximum for a potential 15-hour flight although most operational flights were 10-12 hours.

During these long flights we used plug-in heated boxes for pre-made sandwiches and electric canisters to make coffee. Frequently, being the “low man on the totem pole,” I carried coffee and food to pilots during flights.

The plane was configured in the following manner. The pilot and co-pilot were in the extreme front. Behind the pilot was a small collapsible desk and seat for the navigator. Opposite him was the radio man waiting to relieve the top turret gunner. Behind these two was the plane captain, an enlisted man, who stood most of the time. In back of these positions and underneath the floor was a crawl space for a bombardier, an area we did not use. Below the flight deck generating all the electricity was a putt-putt engine, which we immediately started upon entering the plane. There was a catwalk through the bomb bay area front to rear where the after-station and the starboard and waste gunners were located.  In the bomb bay was an auxiliary gas tank where fuel could be transferred to the wing tanks, if needed.

 Just before landing I would look out the starboard hatch searching for a red arm that would pop out of the wheel mechanism indicating wheels were down and locked. At times when they did not lock on either side a belly crash would occur.

GWC, years later, airborne in a B-24 at his WW II position, Starboard Waste Gunner.
(Portsmouth, NH)

During January, 1945, our crew with Lt. Fay logged close to 80 hours. We experienced seeing the Enterprise and a Japanese destroyer, going to Borneo to set fire to a Squadron 101 plane forced down by the Japanese, taking off during an air raid and having a serious fuel siphoning incident.

We had 35 hours of airtime in February. On one occasion, pilot Lt. Paris and crew went to Hong Kong. During the 13-hour flight, fuel began to leak from the rear of the engines so we were unable to transfer additional fuel. In March, again with Lt. Paris, we experienced such bad weather that we had to return after a 7 ½-hour flight.

On March 3rd, we arrived at Lingoyen Gulf in the Philippines with pilot Lt. Fay, Ensign Miller and crew. At Tacloban Navy Base, not far from Leyte, we were provided with a large comfortable tent where the entire flight crew lived and slept. The tent, located on an elevated wooden platform, was surrounded by coconut trees, producing many coconuts gathered by locals. After chopping away the husks/shell and making a hole, one could drink the liquid. It had a strong taste and was not that palatable. I wouldn’t recommend it! Officers’ quarters were located some distance away at the edge of camp. Here, aerial flights for the crews were determined. Once I saw Red Cross nurses visit and walk around the base with officers

Soon I made laundry arrangements with a young Filipino boy from nearby Samoa. He would pick up my soiled clothes, wash and iron them and return everything spotless in a few days. By his invitation, I went by small water taxi to his home in Samar. There, when I went swimming in my skivvies, a group of young boys suddenly appeared, stood there and stared.

In the village, men were separating chaff from wheat using heavy poles to pound the grain, placed in gigantic wooden bowl-shaped containers. They were all very friendly. I was invited to have lunch sitting cross-legged on the floor in an elevated bamboo home. As crumbs fell through cracks in the floorboards, chickens below gratefully awaited the pickings.

After an evening of singing and socializing I was taken to another building where I could sleep for the night. Soon, I realized I was not alone. Others sleeping there were moaning and groaning. Later, I found out that this was a place for the elderly who were infirm or dying.

One night, back at the base some Filipinos invited me to go serenading. After walking a spell in a pasture, we approached a hut. On cue, the group began singing love songs in Spanish. Nothing happened for a while. Then, to my surprise, a lantern appeared in a window as acknowledgment to the serenaders.

On another occasion and, again, while walking in a pasture alone, a water buffalo seemed curious about my presence and ambled toward me, slowly at first, then at a brisk pace. I hightailed it for a nearby fence, which I quickly cleared.

We began to fly 12 to 14-hour missions along the coasts of French Indo-China and Borneo. Flying low up tributaries, we found Japanese bases. At low altitudes we strafed buildings, boatyards, water towers and put parked planes on fire. During this period, the war was slowing down, and Japan was desperate for supplies.

 In addition to having bases along the China coast, the Japanese were receiving supplies from independent small cargo ships from Borneo. Many of these ships (luggers) hid in tributaries. When we approached low, we would attack at masthead. At times, they returned fire, usually the crew would dive overboard. We sank a number of these vessels. Once we saw one of our own B-24’s shot down in the jungle. Flying near the Balikapapan Oil Fields we viewed the entire area shrouded with large billowing black clouds after being bombed by the Army. We flew down the west coast to Brunei without seeing any enemy.

Later, the squadron was transferred to Palawan, the southernmost area of the Philippines. Today it is known for not only its beautiful scenery but also its gorgeous pearls. Our tents, near the ocean, were in a grove of coconut trees, cultivated in rows. A distant road, along which there were many “threatening” baboons, went from our encampment to the distant airfield. Another menace were scorpions, which liked to make homes in our shoes and clothing.

It should be noted that in Palawan, earlier in the war, the Japanese had many American military prisoners, whom they forced to build trenches, which, they claimed, were for protection against American bombers. They had prisoners lie in them, covered with straw mats for their “protection,” then sprayed them with gasoline and burned them alive.

Another time, I am sorry to report, on takeoff one of the flight crews lost an engine, tried to turn back, but went wing over wing in a dramatic crash. Those at the site said many of the crew got out but were badly burned as they walked around in flames and died within a short period. It had a devastating impact on the other crews.

Since there was time on our hands, a number of guys gambled. Instead of participating, a crew chief from another plane and I decided to build a sailboat. We were able to find two teardrop pontoons, frequently used under wings of fighter planes to extend range. We built a deck, a bowsprit for silk parachute sails and secured the pontoons with a space between to accommodate a center board. Upon launching, it wouldn’t tack: It reacted like a beachball in the wind. How discouraging after all that work! But I did enjoy taking an occasional swim when wearing sneakers since the coral was treacherous.

Upon landing following one of our flights, I had an altercation with port gunner McKuen, who had a more senior rating. The commanding officer of the crew subsequently grounded me.

In time, as the war continued to slow down, some flight crews, including mine, repatriated back to the States. Several new crews arrived to replace them. I was alone, unassigned, reporting to no one. While walking around the perimeter, I saw a sign seeking flight crew members as replacements for those who were “sick.” This seemed to be happening more and more often!

I volunteered to fly with a new crew under the command of Lt. Paris. On April 18, 1945, during a 7-hour flight, we sank a Japanese lugger and drew Japanese planes away from an Army P-38-1 that was lost and directed it to its destination. On April 22nd, we bombed and strafed a Japanese airstrip, including grounded planes, plus sank three ships, a Sugar Charlie and two others.

While flying for almost 12 hours off the China coast on May 3rd with Lt. McClintock, we spotted a large—what could be described as a—cruiser, docked at the mouth of a river. When reporting it to base, we were told to maintain surveillance until we could be relieved. Later, bombers followed the ship north in the China Sea until they, too, were relieved by other planes. During the same flight we spotted a Japanese seaplane, dropped to a lower altitude and pursued. The pilot apparently was so nervous at our approach he landed on the water too quickly and broke the pontoons. He and a couple of others began swimming in the ocean. We circled, took photos, left doing no harm and returned to base.

On May 15, I flew 13 hours with Lt. Ashton and crew. We strafed and bombed a Japanese radar station.

Everyone was going home, except “yours truly.” I remained unassigned. I decided to go into officers’ country and asked to speak to the squadron commander. I told him that my uncle was Admiral George Murray, (Yes, I was being a name-dropper.) and I would like to return home. Shortly thereafter, May 29th, I was heading for Hawaii with pilot Lt. Hutchinson and crew. From there, I boarded a transport ship of military personnel on their way to the mainland.

In my parachute bag I hid a Smith and Wesson 38-caliber pistol and a broken-down carbine, a great gun to own. I might have gotten away with it, but decided to turn them in. A big mistake!

Reaching the States, I was mandatorily interviewed by a Naval doctor, pretty much standard procedure. I was offered an increase in rate if I returned to the Pacific and joined a Privateer squadron. The Privateer was a new plane similar to a B-24 but longer with a large single tail instead of a double vertical one. I said, “No, thanks.”

After transferring to a primary flight training base in Peru, Indiana, I virtually had few duties. Some guys, except for flight trainees, were being discharged. I decided if I was going to be stuck in the service I might as well try to become a pilot. So, I called my dad at the Justice Department and asked if he could help me apply for flight school. Not long after, the commanding officer requested that I come to his office and told me he had orders for me to report to flight school.

As fate would have it, the day before, it had been announced that war was over. Everybody at the base was celebrating and eager to go home. I was caught up with the euphoria, changed my mind and turned down flight school. What an error in judgment that was! Ever since, I have regretted it.

Because I was young, there was no chance of my getting out of the service for quite a while because discharge was dependent on age, years overseas, marriage and dependents. They sent me to Glenview Naval Air Station in Chicago.

I became a line chief for Stearman open-cockpit trainers. These planes, very slow yet versatile, started with an outside hand crank while the pilot already was inside. One day running in from the line, I tripped over a wing tie-down cable, flipped and ended in sick bay when I couldn’t straighten out my leg. After a week of unsuccessful therapy, I was transferred to Great Lakes Naval Hospital.

While walking in the hospital with a crutch, a Wave patient, high on a balcony, yelled at me to come up. Someone informed me that she was in the venereal disease section. I declined her invitation. At the same time, I became acquainted with two Marines, survivors of the Bhutan Death March and often intoxicated. Because of the horror they had experienced, they were being totally left alone. But, they “adopted” me, and we became good friends. Great guys!

One evening in downtown Chicago, where I hit a lot of bars/hotels and learned to play 21, I was dressed in my flight jacket. Shore patrol picked me up for being out of uniform and put me on report. (I suspect they were jealous of “Fly Boys.”) I had to appear at Captain’s Mast (court) and explain to the judge that I was awaiting my seabag from my returning ship. Knowing I would be out of the service before long, I didn’t want to buy another seabag. My leading chief, Wendy Watson, who had hashmarks in gold all the way up his arm and had been called back into service from many years before, testified positively on my behalf that I was one of his best crew. The judge was impressed but handed down ten days confined to barracks.

It was Christmas, and my mother and father came from Massachusetts to visit my sister, Margaret, and her family, who lived in Rogers Park, a suburb of Chicago. Now, I really wanted to join them since I hadn’t seen them in several years. I learned from a bunkmate, Bob Shaefer, from Chevy Chase, Maryland, that he was going on liberty and had a car. With some hesitation, he allowed me to get in the trunk. At the gate he picked up two hitchhiking sailors, who sat in the back seat. As the car passed through shore patrol and proceeded to downtown Chicago, I yelled out to Bob, “Could you turn up the volume on the radio?” You might know, the guys in the back seat were startled by a voice from nowhere. (Since bunks were checked every night and I was supposed to be on base, I had to arrange for someone to sleep in mine.)

After continuing with physical therapy, the straightening of my leg was not accomplished. Dad had been monitoring my progress through the head medical officer and arranged for a transfer to Bethesda Naval Hospital near where he was living. This transfer had to be done at my own expense. I was able to pick up a Naval transport service plane (NATS), flew to Washington and checked in at the hospital. Physical therapy continued. Success didn’t. I was allowed “liberty with a limp.” I did have a great time socializing—theater, girls, etc. Finally, after many weeks, unexpectedly my leg unlocked and straightened. I stayed at the hospital for a while, but wanted to go home. I was way overdue on points for a discharge. The hospital made me sign an approval waiver, and I left.

On April 13, 1946, I was honorably discharged. With all my gear I went to Bainbridge, Maryland, and boarded a train to Boston. From there I took a streetcar, the Reservoir Beacon, to Coolidge Corner in Brookline, Massachusetts, and walked all the way to my home on Babcock Street. Nobody was there. I waited hours on the front steps until Mother finally came home.

Postscript: Years later, I had an occasion to stay at the Hotel Washington, Washington, D.C., with an American Automobile Association (AAA) Crossing Guard group. Somehow, I remembered that one of my WW II pilots, Lt. Fay, was working nearby at Sikorsky. I phoned him, and we arranged to meet for cocktails. While discussing past experiences in the Philippines, I recounted all the action I saw with other pilots after being grounded from the original crew. Sitting back stiffly, he responded, “Look, I had the responsibility of an entire crew. I did what I was assigned to do. No more and no less.” Yes, he certainly was put off by my reports of actions taken with the other pilots.

Note from Gerald W. Connolly, Sr.: This story is to the best of my ability at age 97.


 Air Medal with One Gold Star
American Campaign Medal
Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal with Four Stars
Combat Aircrew Wings
Distinguished Flying Cross
European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal
Good Conduct Medal
Navy USCG Unit Commendation Ribbon
Philippine Liberation Ribbon with One Star
Unit Commendation for Bravery
World War II Victory Medal

GWC awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross by Admiral Wiley, May 21, 1969, on board the U.S.S. Constitution, Boston (MA) Harbor.


Formal History


The following was taken from the Naval Historical Web Site. There were found to be several errors in the information presented. Those errors that were found were corrected. There may be further errors in the information presented that have not been found. Please send your corrections to Fred Schuster, Association Historian.

In a Nutshell

30 July 1943: Established as Bombing Squadron ONE HUNDRED ELEVEN (VB-111).
1 October 1944: Re-designated Patrol Bombing Squadron ONE HUNDRED ELEVEN (VPB-111).
15 May 1946: Re-designated Patrol Squadron ONE HUNDRED ELEVEN (VP-111).
15 November 1946: Re-designated Heavy Patrol Squadron (Land Plane) ELEVEN (VP-HL-11).
1 September 1948: Re-designated Patrol Squadron TWENTY ONE (VP-21), the fifth squadron to be assigned the VP designation.
21 November 1969: Disestablished.

VPB-111 (December 1944 to August 1945)

Commanding officers:
Commander James V. Barry (January 1944 to April 1945);
Lieutenant Commander Gordon R. Egbert (April 1945).
Based at (Tinian (December 1944);
Morotai ( January to February 1945);
Tacloban (February to April 1945);
Palawan (April to August 1945).

VPB-111 started as a European-based PB4Y-1 squadron. During it’s second tour of duty in the Pacific, the squadron flew PB4Y-1s and -2s.

VP-21 Squadron Insignia and Nickname

The squadron’s first insignia on record was not submitted to CNO for approval until after WWII when it was designated VP-HL-11. The design approved by CNO on 19 February1948, was that of an elephant centered in a circular design overlaid on an anchor. The elephant held a depth bomb in its trunk, a searchlight around its neck, wings on its back and a gun turret on top of its back. The elephant was apparently a common theme of the period, featured in insjgnia used earlier by both VPB-52 and 101. The “elephant” of VP-HL-11 was the Navy’s largest land-based bomber, the PB4Y-2 Privateer. It was utilized in an ASW role and equipped with searchlights for night attacks against surfaced submarines. Colors: elephant: gray’ black and white; wings: yellow turret: blackclouds: white; sky: blue; searchlight: yellow; anchor: blue and whIte. V P-HL-11 and VP-21 used the Insignia through 1952.

The squadron’s second insignia was submitted in 1953 and approved by, CNO on 10 March 1953. The motif of the design was the ‘Truculent Turtle, named after the P2V1 flown by Commander Thomas D. Davies on a record-breaking flight on 29 September 1946, from Perth, Australia, to Columbus, Ohio. The turtle was rampant in a cloud-filled night sky, searching out the adversary with a lantern in his right hand (corresponding to the searchlight on the starboard wing tip of the P2V-6), and ready to attack with a rocket carried in his left hand. In the background was a parachute mine
symbolic of the squadron’s primary mission in sea and air warfare. Colors: turtle, light green body, yellow eyes, dark green shell, lamp: black frame; lantern, light yellow; missile, red; cloud, gray; sky, blue; mine, black with white parachute; insignia border, black.

The squadron’s third insignia was approved by CNO on 17 August 1959. It was a circular patch with VP-21 at the bottom. In the patch were two playing cards, an ace of spades and a jack of spades. The squadron derived its nickname from the latter card, the “Black Jacks.” The squadron insignia was changed when it’s primary mission was changed from aerial mine warfare to anti-submarine warfare. Colors: playing cards, black and white; background red; squadron logo, black with white letters; border, black.

Chronology of Significant Events

30 July 1943: VB-111 was established at NAS Norfolk, Va. Half of the personnel from VP-201 formed the cadre of the new squadron. The next day a new commanding officer was designated and all personnel began relocating to NAS Oceana, Va., for training in the Consolidated PB4 Y-1 Liberator patrol bomber. Operational control of the squadron came under FAW-5.
15 August 1943: Six crews were sent to San Diego, California to pick up half of the squadron’s allotment of aircraft. After their arrival the crews completed their familiarization training using auxiliary fields at Chincoteague, Va., and Cherry Point, N.C.
1 October 1943: The squadron received its orders to deploy to St. Eval. England under the operational control of FAW -7.
4 November 1943: VPB-111 transferred to Port Lyautey, French Morocco, under the operational control of FAW-15, to guard the western approaches to Gibraltar.
8 February 1944: The squadron had its first contact with the enemy on this date, carrying out one attack on a German U-boat. Postwar records indicate no enemy losses on that date.
2 March 1944: Over a period of four months, sections of three aircraft at a time were transferred back to S1.Eval, England,
under the operational control of FAW-7.
By 13 July 1944, the entire squadron was gathered at St. Eval in preparation for its return to NAS Quonset Point, R.I.
14July1944: The first section of three aircraft departed England for the U.S., arriving on the 19th. The last section arrived at NAS Quonset Point on 23 July 1944. The squadron began a training program that was conducted through 19 August 1944.
20 August 1944: The first section of VB-111 aircraft began the transit across the U.S. to the West Coast, with the last section arriving at NAS Camp Kearney, Calif. on the 22d. The squadron came under the operational control of FAW-14. A brief period of training for South Pacific operations was undertaken through the end of September.
24 September 1944: VB-Ill personnel (13 officers and 102 enlisted) boarded Makassar Strait (CVE 91) for transportation to NAS Kaneohe, Hawaii. Aircrews began the TransPac on 1 October 1944, with the last section arriving on 5 October 1944.
29 November 1944: VPB-111 was given combat indoctrination training under operational control of FAW-2
through the end of November. On the 29th. the squadron received orders to transfer to the combat zone at NAB West Field, Tinian. The last section of aircraft arrived on 1 December 1944, and the squadron came under the operational control of FAW-1. Strategic long-range searches were conducted from that location through the middle of January 1945.
5 January 1945: Two squadron PB4Y11s, flown by Lieutenant Howard E. Sires and Franklin B. Emerson, spotted and attacked a midget submarine two miles southwest of Chichi Jima. The submarine was sunk using 250 pound G.P. bombs and strafing with 50-caliber guns.
15 January 1945: The squadron and its headquarters were relocated to NAB Morotai under the operational control of FAW-17, with a detachment of four aircraft at Tacioban Air Base, Leyte. Philippines, under FAW 10. Long-range reconnaissance missions and anti-shipping patrols were carried out from both locations.
1 February 1945: VPB- 111 began transferring personnel and assets to the Tacloban Air Base from Morotai. By 6 February 1945, the entire squadron had been relocated, with a detachment of four crews at McGuire Field, Mindoro. Long-range reconnaissance missions and anti-shipping patrols were carried out from both locations.
17 March 1945: The Mindoro detachment rejoined the squadron at Tacloban to prepare for the upcoming invasion of Okinawa. Interdiction cover patrols for TF 58 en route to Okinawa began on 21 March 1945.
11 April 1945: VPB-lll relocated to Palawan Army Air Field. On 1 May 1945, the squadron received several new PB4Y-2 Privateers as replacements for its worn-out PB4Y11s. With its new and refurbished complement of aircraft, the squadron commenced a series of daytime strikes on targets along the Borneo and Malaya coasts. On one such mission against the enemy installations at Singapore, two squadron Privateers were teamed up for an attack. One of the aircraft was badly damaged during its bombing run. and the second, flown by Lieutenant (JG) Romayn F. Heyler. flew through heavy enemy fire to protect its withdrawal from the area. During the escape from the target area a squadron of enemy fighters attacked the Privateers. Lieutenant (JG) Heyler’s crew managed to shoot down one fighter and damage several others while escorting their squadron mates safely back to base. For his heroic actions while protecting his comrades Lieutenant (JG) Heyler was later awarded the Navy Cross.
7 July 1945: A detachment of five aircraft was sent to Mindoro, Philippines. for a two-week tour of duty, returning to Palawan on 20 July.
27 October 1945: After a brief period of stand down for maintenance, the squadron began the transit back to NAS Kaneohe, Hawaii, and from there to the u.S.
24 November 1945: VPB-lll concluded its transit from the South Pacific to NAS New York, where crews were given leave. Over the next three months many of the wartime personnel were discharged from military service to civilian status.
1 March 1946: VPB-111 began a period of postwar reforming and retraining of new crews at NAS New York.
June 1946: The squadron was designated an Atlantic Fleet Antisubmarine Warfare Squadron.
3 January 1949: VP-21 deployed to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, for training. One squadron aircraft crashed at Patuxent River, Md., killing two crewmen.
28 June 1950: The squadron received its first P4M-1. VP-21 was selected to be one of the few Navy patrol squadrons to fly the new Mercator.
15 July 1951 Thru 22 July 1952: The entire squadron went on a 6500
mile flight. Stops at Pensacola, San Diego, Alameda (a formation flight of the entire squadron), Seattle and return to Pax. River. All aircraft completed the 6500 mile flight with only minor problems.
21 October 1952: The squadron gave a demonstration of the P4M-l’s capabilities to CNO and BuAer officials, which included minelaying to show the bomber’s ability to carry 13,000 pounds of mines in an internal bomb bay.
February 1953: VP-21 replaced its P4M-l Mercators with P2V-6 Neptunes, carrying the latest equipment for minelaying and ASW, a steerable nose wheel and reversible pitch propellers.
May 1954: Home Station was changed ftom NAS Patuxent River, MD, to NAS Brunswick, Maine.
1 August 1958: The squadron’s primary mission was changed from aerial
minelaying to antisubmarine warfare.
8 July 1958: VP-21 deployed to RNAS Halfar, Malta. During the deployment, the squadron participated in the Lebanon Incident from 15 July to 1 October 1958. VP-21 and VP-10 provided ASW coverage to the Sixth Fleet during the crisis.
1 January 1967: Six VP-21 aircraft deployed to Rota, Spain, relieving VP24. On 6 June to 23 June 1967, the Rota detachment deployed four aircraft to Souda Bay, Crete, for advanced base operations during the Arab-Israeli conflict.
21 November 1969: VP-21 was disestablished at NAS Brunswick, Maine.

Bases and Aircraft

Home Port Assignments


Location Date of Assignment
NAS Norfolk, Va. 30 July 1943
NAAS Oceana. Va. 01 August 1943
NAF Port Lyautey. F.M. 04 November 1943
NAS Quonset Point, R.I. 23 July 1944
NAS Kaneohe. Hawaii 05 October 1944
NAB Tinian 01 December 1944
NAB Morotai 15 January 1945
NAB Tacloban, Philippines 01 February 1945
AAF Palawan 11 April 1945
NAS New York, N.Y. 24 November 1945
NAS Atlantic City, N.J. 23 May 1946
NAS Patuxent River. Md. 11 May 1948
NAS Brunswick, Maine 26 May 1954 to 1969

Aircraft Assignment


Type of Aircraft Date Type First Received
PB4Y-1            Aug 1943
PB4Y-2            May 1945
P4M-1            June 1950
P2V-6              Feb 1953
P2 V-5F            Aug 1953
P2V-7S            Dec 1957
The P2V-7S was redesignated SP-2H in 1962.

Aircraft Assignment


Type of Aircraft Date Type First Received
PB4Y-1            Aug 1943
PB4Y-2            May 1945
P4M-1            June 1950
P2V-6              Feb 1953
P2 V-5F            Aug 1953
P2V-7S            Dec 1957
Major Overseas Deployments

Aircraft Assignment

Date Of Departure Date of Return Wing Base of Operations Type of Aircraft Are of Operations
01 October 1943 03 November 1943 FAW-7 St. Eval PB4Y- 1 NorLant
04 November 1943 01 March 1944 FAW- 15 Port Lyautey PB4Y- I Med
02 March 1944 13 July 1944 FAW-7 St. Eval PB4Y- 1 NorLant
24 September 1944 27 October 1945 FAW-2 Kaneohe PB4Y- 1 WestPac
01 December 1944 14 January 1945 FAW-1 Tinian PB4Y-1 SoPac
15 Jan 1945* 05 February 1945 FAW-17 Morotai PB4Y-1 SoPac
15 Jan 1945* 05 February 1945 FAW- 10 Tacloban PB4Y- I SoPac
06 February 1945 10 April 1945 FAW-l0 Mindoro PB4Y-1 SoPac
11 April 1945 27 October 1945 FAW-10 Palawan PB4Y-2 SoPac
28 April 1947 14 May 1947 FAW-5 Argentia PB4Y-2 NorLant
03 January 1949 26 February 1949 FAW-5 Guantanamo PB4Y-2 Carib
21 April 1949 02 August 1949 FAW-5 Argentia PB4Y-2 NorLant
1952 1952 FAW-15 Port Lyautey P4M-1 Med
Jun.1953 Nov. 1953 FAW-5 Malta (Luqa) P2V-6 Med
Jun. 1954 Nov. 1954 FAW-3 Malta (Hal Far) P2V-6 Med
01 August 1955 01 December 1955 FAW-3 Malta P2V-5F Med
08 July 1958 07 December 1958 FAW-3 Malta P2V-7S Med
2 Mar 1960* 01 August 1960 FAW-3 Sigonella P2V-7S Med
2 Mar 1960* 01 August 1960 FAW-3 Keflavik P2V-7S NorLant
04 June 1961 06 November 1961 FAW-3 Argentia P2V-7S NorLant
27 Oct 1962* 26 November 1962 FAW-3 Lajes SP-2H NorLant
27 Oct 1962* 03 December 1962 FAW-3 Argentia SP-2H NorLant
05 January 1963 01 June 1963 FAW-3 Sigonella SP-2H Med
29 April 1963 01 June 1963 FAW-3 Souda Bay SP-2H Med
01 April 1964 01 June 1964 FAW-3 Argentia SP-2H NorLant
01 May 1964 01 June 1964 FAW-3 Guantanamo SP-2H Carib
20 August 1965 01 February 1966 FAW-3 Rota SP-2H Med
20 August 1965 01 February 1966 FAW-3 Keflavik SP-2H NorLant
01 April 1966 18 April 1966 FAW-3 Bermuda SP-2H Lant
1 Jan 1 967 29 June 1967 FAW-3 Rota SP-2H Med
05 June 1967 29 June 1967 FAW-3 Souda Bay SP-2H Med
15 October 1967 15 April 1968 FAW-3 Sigonella SP-2H Med
20 February 1969 26 June 1969 FAW-3 Sigonella SP-2H Med
* The Squadron conducted split deployments to two sites during the same date
Wing Assignments

Aircraft Assignment

Wing Tail Code Assignment Date
FAW-5   01-Aug-43
FAW-7   01-Oct-43
FAW-15   04-Nov-43
FAW-7   02-Mar-44
FAW-5   23-Jul-44
FAW-14   22-Aug-44
FAW-2   05-Oct-44
FAW-1   01-Dec-44


FAW-5 HC Apr-47
FAW-3 HC 26-May-54
  LH 01-Jul-57

The squadron was assigned the tail code H.C. on 7 November 1947. The squadrons tail code was changed from HC. to LH in 1957. The effective date for this change was most likely the beginning of FY 1958 (1 July1957).

Unit Awards Received
Unit A ward Inclusive Date Covering Unit Award
NUC 02-Dec-44 31-Jul-45
AFEM                   24-Oct-62 31-Dec-62

1952 (April) Enlisted Roster VP-21

NAME______________________________     RATE__SER.NO_______NJC___________DUTY STA_________
ADCOCK,  James Hughston                                   ADE3     641 09 07     AD-6489-07     Power Plants
ALLNUTT,  Marshall Willard                                      AN        278 48 79     AN-0062-0     Power Plants
ALLEN,  Clarence Wayne                                         AT1     234 64 05     AT-6601-07     Electronics
AUDIA, William (n)                                                  AMAN     346 83 83     AM-7209-85     Air Frames
BAKER,  David Welling Jr.                                       ADAN     428 61 34     AD-6429-85     Power Plants
BAKER,  Mark Dowd                                                 AL3       643 62 14     AL-6704-07     Plane Rdo
BALANOVICH,  Daniel (n)                                        AMAN     439 00 74     AM-7209-85     Air Frames
BALLARD,  Willaim Paul                                          AE3     372 30 10     AE-7219-74     Electronics
BARCLAY,  David Leon                                           AMAN     235 26 90     AM-7219-74     Air Frames
BARNES,  Guy Edward                                            AM3     365 85 47     AM-7212-74     Air Frames
BASSETTI,  Henry (n)                                               AMC     265 41 92     AM-7212-08     Air Frames
BEDLINGTON,  Norman Curtiss                              AD3     555 25 41     AD-6429-07     Power Plants
BENSHAW,  Neil Graydon                                      YNSN     365 97 52     YN-2509-07     Personnel
BEST,  Roy Herbert                                                    AM3     365 02 64     AM-7242-07     Hydraulics
BILLS,  Roger Dean                                                   AN     323 92 64     AN-0062-07     Material
BITTER,  John Henry                                              AOAN     302 97 34     AO-6809-65     Navy Exchange
BLACK,  Vendol Austin                                              SD3     556 98 02     SD-9019-65     BOQ
BOATWRIGHT,  Deedie Andrew Jr.                         MNSN     449 87 55     MN-1225-07     Ordinance
BOEHMER,  Frederick Emanuel                               AN     235 30 39     AN-0062-07     Electronics
BOLIN,  Charles Robert                                            AD3     635 31 80     AD-6429-07     Power Plants
BOWDEN,  Samuel (n)                                             AL3     810 51 99      AL-6704-07     Electronics/Mail PO
BRBORICH,  Nicholas Edward                                 AN     423 70 95     AN-0062-07     Ordinance
BRICE,  Charles Francis                                          ADC     250 52 23     AD-6443-07     Power Plants
BRISBON,  Timothy (n)                                            SD2     971 26 66     SD-9012-07     BOQ
BROCK,  Huel Briaston                                           CSC     272 45 60     CS-3001-07     Galley #5
BROOKS,  Carl Donald                                          AOAN     571 46 66     AO-6809-01     Ordinance
BROOKS,  Elmer Louis                                           AOC     272 45 60     AO-6802-07     Ordinance
BROWN,  James Lawrence                                     SDC     265-67 02     SD-9001-07     BOQ
BRUNS,  Melvin Rudolph                                          AN     376 38 89     AD-6427-07     Power Plants
BUONCORE,  Thomas Salvatore                             AA     911 88 08           -0062-07     Galley #4
BURTON,  James Fred                                           AOC     295 40 36     AO-6802-07     Ordinance
BACKLUND,  Robert Alfred                                    AO2     799 62 19     AO-6802-07     Ordinance


CARLTON,  Charles Duane                                    AD1     669 63 32     AD-6484-07     Power Plants
CATANZARITE,  Anthony (n)                                   AK3     365 24 42     AK-8003-07     Material
CATTELL,  Charles Abner                                       AOC     321 63 20     AO-6802-07     Ordinance
CAUDELL,  John (n)                                                 AT3     331 63 20     AT-6689-85     Electrronics
CHASEZ,  Terrence Francis Jr.                               AK2     846 71 14     AK-8002-84     Material
CICIRETTI,  Vincent (n)                                          AM3     251 50 94     AM-7242-07     Hydraulics
CONNOR,  Richard Cecil                                        AN     364 86 29     AD-6489-07     Brks #417
COVINGTON,  Vernon Clyde                                AOC     337 09 79     AO-6802-07     Ordinance
CULLOP,  Donald Edward                                    AMAN     325 71 34     AM-7219-07     Air Frames
NAME___________________     RATE__SER NO_____NJC___     DUTY STA
DAVID,  Robert Stanley                 AD1     269 76 45     AD-6444-07     PC   HC-7
DERRYBERRY,  Zollie Oval           AN     253 50 16     AN-0062-07     Power Plants
DICKSON,  Thomas (n)                ALAN     417 07 35     AL-6709-85     Plane Rdo
DOCTEUR,  George Whitney          AA     461 50 84     AN-0062-07     Brks #417
DOMBROWSKY,  Raymond (n)      AD3     449 70 28     AD-6429-07     Flight Log Yeoman
DORAN,  Bernard Patrick               AN     719 67 49     AN-0062-07     Air Frames
DORAN,  Thomas Gregory            ADC     321 41 71     AD-6443-07     PC   HC-1
DRESS,  Edward George              ADAN     538 46 74     AD-6429-85     Power Plants
DUDLEY,  John Gordon                BMC     265 89 41     BM-0162-86     Barracks Chief
DULONG,  Arthur Francis Jr.           AN     415 83 43     AN-0062-07     Para Loft
DUNKLE,  Robert Ralph                 AN     428 65 43     AN-0062-07     Ordinance
EALY,  Samuel Kenyon                  AE3     571 42 27     AE-7109-07     Electronics EASON,  John Talmage                 AD1     268 91 07     AD-6482-07     Power Plants EBERHART,  Franci Xavier           ADAN     985 69 70     AD-6429-02     Maint. Control EDWARDS,  Valgene (n)               AO2     652 09 49     AO-6809-05     Ordinance ERWIG,  Thomas Francis             AM3     225 13 61     AM-7212-08     Air Frames ESTEVEZ,  Randolph Vincent      AMAN     344 73 92     AM-7209-07     Air Frames EVANS, Franklin Durwood            AE2     253 38 95     AE-7109-07     Electronics

FARKOS,  Donald Stephen          AN     365 44 85     AN-0062-07     Power Plants
FALES,  Robert charles                AA     460 13 38            0062-07     Brks #417
FERGUSON,  Jack (n)               AE3     571 60 07     AE-7109-85     Electronics
FIELD,  Arthur Ray                      AN     280 81 18            0009-02     Duty Driver
FINLEY,  William Frederick        AO3     364 91 25     AO-6809-07     Ordinance
FITE,  Ferdinand Leslie               AN     281 32 64            0009-86     Maint.
FLAGGS,  Edgar Allen Jr.          ADAN     426 64 77     AD-6429-85     Power Plants
FLOWERS,  Willaim Walter        ADC     287 58 17     AD-6444-07     PC  HC-7
FLOYD,  Richard David               AA     460 13 63            0062-07     Brks  #417
FOLMAR,  Harold Woodrow        AN     791 15 62            0062-07     Air Frames
FREEMAN,  Paul Ernest             AT3     347 79 23     AT-6602-07     Electronics
FRIEDMAN,  Sidney Jerry          AN     719 81 74            0062-07     Electronics
FRISQUE,  Levi Julian               ADC     300 27 01     AD-6421-85     Power Plants
FRYOVER,  Kenneth Dale          ADAN     433 21 24     AD-6429-85     Power Plants
FUTRELL,  Leo Edward Jr.          BM2     846 77 69     BM-0101-078     1st Lt.

GARDNER,  Roger William          AM3     718 52 62     AM-7209-07     Airframes
GELLES,  Robert Samuel               AEC     243 85 74     AE-7101-04     Electronics
GEORGE,  Charlie (n)               AT2     347 79 22     AT-6602-07     Electronics
GIROUX,  Donald Leonard          AM3     752 29 33     AM-7202-07     Hydraulics
GHERRITY,  Joseph Walter          AL2     652 71 04     AL-6702-07     Planr Rdo
GOODRICH,  Phillip Nelson          AM2     622 10 45     AM-7219-07     Hydraulics
GOODWYN,  James Richard          AA     460 13 43     AN-0062-07     Galley #5
GRABOWSKI,  Bernard John          AT3     791 98 63     AT-6689-07     Electronics
NAME______________________RATE__SER NO_______NJC______DUTY_STA
HAINES, Joseph Delmar               AE3     280 54 39     AE-7112-04     Electronics
HALL,  Robert Bruce                    AOAN     417 41 21     AO-6809-85     Ordinance
HANLON,  John Patrick               AA     460 13 48            0062-07     Duty Driver
HARDIN,  Charles Raymond        ADC     295 33 57     AD-6421-08     Power Plants
HARRIS,  Thomas Norval             AT3     365 84 98     AT-6689-07     Electronics
HARRISON,  Robert Joel             SN     799 14 89     YN-2509-07     Personnel
HAYNES,  Richard Edmond         AMS2     258 43 86     AM-7212-64     Air Frames
HAYTON,  King Charles               SN     426 16 75             0009-07     TAD School
HAZLETT,  William Blackely Jr.     YNSN     365 07 53     YN-2509-07     Personnel
HERMAN, Albin Andrew               YNSN     208 35 35     YN-2509-07     Personnel
HENRY,  Walter Andrew               AD1     992 89 17     AD-6443-07     Power Plants
HIGGINS,  John Thomas               AN     752 86 48     AN-0062-07     Power Plants
HILDEBRANT,  Andy McCullen      AT2     254 41 69     AT-6602-07     Electronics
HODGMAN,  Charles Francis        PN1     209 55 54     PN-2612-84     Personnel
HOLMES,  Kenneth Sherman        AN     900 32 04     AN-0062-07     Ordinance
HORTON,  Charles Wayne          ADC     287 31 66     AD-6482-84     Power Plants
HOWARD,  Milton (n)                   TN     933 77 47     SD-9009-65     1st Lt.
HOYT,  John Mott Jr.                  ADC     268 99 39     AD-6444-07     Power Plants
HUBER,  Charlie (n)                   ADC     382 18 85     AD-6444-07     Power Plants
HUDSON,  Ralph Wilson            AA     438 43 67            0009-86     1st Lt.
HUGHES, Virgis Andrew           ADAN     641 98 79     AD-6429-64     Power Plants
IACAVONE,  James Augustus       AN     422 76 26     AN-0062-07     Electronics
JACKSON, Thomas Johnathon     AN     235 53 17     AN-0062-07     Material
JAMES,  Quentin Lee                  AD2     636 12 40     AD-6473-07     PC  HC-8
JOHNSON,  Horace Edward          AD1     658 84 45     AD-6425-01     PC  HC-3     
JOHNSON,  Henry William          ADC     223 63 57     AD-6444-07     Maint. Control
JOHNSON,  Robert Donald          AT3     910 33 85     AT-6689-85     Electronics
KATZELE,  Robert Theodore          AN     992 83 58     AD-6473-07     Power Plants
KEAGLE,  Clarence (n) Jr.            AN     327 37 08     AN-0062-07     Disbursing
KELLY,  John Howard                   AE3     365 19 50     AE-7109-07     Electronics
KLEMANN,   William Alan            SN     304 07 00            0009-07     TAD School
KLINE,   Calvin Jackson               PR3     417 03 93     PR-7309-85     Para Loft
KNIGHTSTEP,  Homer John        AN     426 16 73     AN-0062-07     Power Plants
KNOX,  James Richard                AN     417 06 86     AN-0062-07     Electronics
KREITZ,  Gerald Farrar                AO1     878 72 19     AO-6802-07     Ordinance
KRUG,  Robert William                ATAN     235 68 20     AT-6689-85     Galley #4
KYRE,  Galen Smith                    AD3     929 95 32     AD-6429-07     Power Plants

LADA,  Edward (n)                       ALC     311 16 59     AL-6701-88     Base Radio
LAWSON,  Edward Franklin        PNSN     426 16 74     PN-2639-07     Education
LAZZARO,  Carmelo Joseph       ADAN     304 25 02     AD-6429-85     Power Plants
LEAVERTON,  John Milton          ADC     372 05 31     AD-6425-07     Power Plants
LEIB,  Douglas Lowell                 SA     433 36 83     YN-2509-07     TAD School
LINENDOLL,  John Alexander      AD1     633 83 11     AD-6444-07     Power Plants
LOCKLEAR,  Wallace (n)              ADC     243 69 77     AD-6444-07     Power Plants
LOGSDON,  John James              AD1     286 65 38     AD-6443-07     PC  HC-6
NAME____________________RATE__SER NO_______NJC_____DUTY_STA
LONG,  Robert Edward               AN     719 11 88     SN-0032-23     Electronics
LUALLEN,  Carl Edward             AOC     287 95 45     AO-6801-02     Ordinance
LUDLAM, Harold Burt                 ALC     341 95 45     AL-6701-07     Plane Rdo


MAHAFFEY,  Daniel Alonzo         AD2     575 35 18     AD-6473-07     Power Plants
MAIER,  Richard William              AA     235 88 24     AN-0062-07     Ordinance
MANSFIELD,  John Forrest         ADC     268 23 91     AD-6412-08     Leading chief
MARION,  Jayrell Odin                AN     327 03 79     AN-0062-07     Ordinance
MARTIN,  Noel LaVerne             ATC     668 88 21     AT-6601-07     Electronics
MATTHEWS, John Harding        ADC     381 35 51     AD-6443-07     Power Plants
MATHIAS, Harry Walker           ADAN     364 85 22     AD-6429-07     Power Plants
MEGEE, Theodore Arnold          AN     418 12 19     AN-0062-07     Power Plants
MENERAY, Vernon Clyde          AT3     384 10 63     AT-6689-85     Electronics
MERONEY, Arthur Franklin        AD3     325 12 62     AD-6429-07     Navigation
MEYER, Donovan Duane            AD1     984 88 90     AD-6473-07     Power Plants
MC CLINTIC, Albert Franklin        AN     797 96 95     AN-0062-07     1st Lt.
MC COLLUM, Thomas Lecy        AE1     837 47 35     AE-7102-07     Electronics
MC COMMONS, Wilbert Harry       AOC     602 10 08     AO-6802-07     ASDO
MC COOLEY, Stephen Paul Jr.      AN     302 80 33     AM-7212-07     Air Frames
MC INTOSH,  Paul Bernard           AL2     231 38 82     AL-7809-07     Plane Rdo
MICKLE,  Kenneth Alton                AM3     325 71 35     AM-7232-07     Air Frames
MILLER,  Parker Dexter                 AT3     367 69 86     AT-6689-85     Electronics
MONTGOMERY, Robert Friend      ALAN     384-20-43     AL-6709-85     Plane Rdo
MOORE,  Michael, Edward           ADC     336 74 59     AD-6443-70     Power Plants
MOOSMAN,  Robert Alfons           AN     304 18 33     AN-0062-07     Material
MOREHEAD,  Willy Percy             AL2     605 79 66     AL-6704-64     Plane Rdo
MULLAN,  Allen Martin Jr.            AMAN     366 01 14     AM-7249-74     Air Frames


NAVARRO,  Gilbert Antonio          AM3     569 13 90     AM-7212-74     Air Frames
NEWCOMB,  Milton Earl               AM2     266 90 66     AM-7232-07     Air Frames
NEWELL,  John Donald Jr.           AN     327 03 78     AN-0062-07     Power Plants
NOLL,  Kenneth LaMarr                AN     417 06 89     AM-0062-07     Power Plants
NUGENT,  Bernard Howard          SA     384 80 90             0009-07     1st Lt.


OFFRELL,  David Wells               AO1     329 11 79     AO-6802-07     Ordinance
OLSON,  Junior LaForest             ALC     328 91 36     AL-6702-07     Plane Rdo
O’NEIL,  Richard Thomas             AO3     868 88 33     AO-6809-64     Ordinance
ORLICKI,  Edmond Louis             ALC     311 12 48     AL-6701-07     Electronic Chief
OSTANSKI,  Jerome Joseph        AA     235 88 04     AN-0062-07     Line Crew
O’STEEN,  Gene Nolan               AL2     325 06 87     AL-6709-07     Plane Rdo
OWEN,  John Leon Jr.                 AT3     569 49 53     AT-6689-85     Electronics


PERRELI,  John Phillip               AM1     256 34 04     AM-7212-04     Air Frames
PERRON,  Joseph Henri            AD2     581 92 51     AD-6443-07     Power Plants
PERRY,   John Henry                 AD1     575 49 11     AD-6482-07     Power Plants
PEYTON,  Dale Lloyd                 AT3     982 93 21     AT-8602-07     Electronics
PINICK,  Gerald LaMotte            AMAN     344 76 59     AM-7212-70     Air Frames
PRESTON, Peter Anthony Jr.     AOC     368 44 76     AO-6802-07     Ordinance
PRYOR,  George Frank               AL3     351 58 89     AL-6709-85     TAD Fasron Base Rdo
NAME__________________RATE__SER NO_______NJC______DUTY_STA
RAATZ,       Leo Don               AL3     323 56 08     AL-6709-85     Plane Rdo
RADCLIFF,  Joseph (n)           AOAN     424 21 78     AO-6809-85     Ordinance
RAIKES,  Gerald Eugene        AN     930 16 67     AO-6809-08     Ordinance
RAYHEL,  James Leroy          AT2     231 43 96     AT-6689-85     Electronics
REED,  David Edward             ALC     628 21 69     AL-6701-64     TAD NorVa
RIVETTE,   Edward W.            AA     461 51 00            0062-07     Galley #4
RIZZA, Joe (n)                         ALC     265 90 59     AL-6702-07     Plane Rdo
RHOADs, Robert Raymond         AN     422 33 77     AN-0062-07     Air Frames
RODENBERGER, Walter Allen    AM3     351 57 66     AM-7209-95     Air Frames
ROGERO, Berchman Eugene      AMC     268 55 82     AM-7201-07     Air Frames
ROLLINS,       Albert (n)              TN     556 50 49     SD-9009-65     BOQ
ROPKIN,  Tobias (n)                   AD2     787 65 00     AD-6428-64     Power Plants
ROTARIUS,  Robert A.                AA     433 36 85            0062-07     CPO Barracks
ROTCHSTEIN, Herschel T.        ADC     356 33 72     AD-6412-07     Power Plants
ROWE,  Francis Kelly                AD1     658 41 99     AD-6429-07     Power Plants
RUCH, George Joseph              AD2     227 57 59     AD-6429-07     Power Plants
RUCH,  Richard Allen               YNSN     422 22 99     YN-2509-07     Ordinance Office
RUFFOS,  George Alias             AN     32703 76     AN-0062-07     Power Plants
RUGUR,  Robert Gerald             AT3     234 81 54     AT-6689-85     Electronics
RUSHE,   George Edward         ALAN     333 03 83     AL-6709-85     Plane Rdo
RYAN,   Kenneth  J.                    AA     427 40 79            0062-07     Galley #4


SCHNYER,  James Russell          AN     719 81 36     AN-0062-07     Ordinance
SCULLY,  Martin James               AN     643 75 40     AN-0062-65     Ordinance
SEARS,  William John                 AO3     235 33 32     AO-6809-07     Ordinance
SEIGO, Billee                               AEAN     327 65 85     AE-7109-85     Electronics
SHANNON, Lawrence Preston     ADC     256 29 88     AD-6416-08     Material
SHELTON,  Warren Millard           AL1     635 27 16     AL-6707-07     Plane Rdo
SIMAS,  Ralph Erwin Jr.                ADC     375 90 10     AD-6443-07     PC  HC-4
SIMMONS, George Edward Jr.     AN     38473 67     AN-0062-07     Fasron Base Rdo
SITHENS,  Fred Edward               AD2     244 26 80     AD-6482-70     Power Plants
SMITH,  lAvERNE Ralph               AN     303 38 34     AN-0062-07     Air Frames
SMITH,  Richard (n)                     AT2     302 13 23     AT-6602-07     Electronics
SMITH,  Richard David                 YN3     898 18 26     YN-2522-07     Personnel
SNEAD,  Lucian Stephen             ADC     265 29 50     AD-6482-07     Line Chief
SODERLUND, Bernard Otto        AE2     302 76 49     AE-7109-07     Electronics
SPEATHE,  Paul Jr.                      AO1     342 57 13     AO-6809-07     Ordinance
SPAGNOLA, Thomas (n)             SA     911 83 94            0009-07     Brks #417
STRICKLAND, R. C.                   ADC     356 57 61     AD-6444-07     Power Plants
SPRINGFIELD, Eddie Joseph      AA     433 37 45     AN-8009-07     Material
STONE,  James Hubert               AMC     262 56 68     AM-6212-07     Air Frames
STONE,  S. J.                              AD3     364 48 81     AD-6429-64     Power Plants
SYLVAIN,  Robert Normand        ALAN     415 70 95     AL-6709-85     Plane Rdo
NAME_____________________RATE__SER NO_______NJC_____DUTY STA
TARR,  Rollin Paul                        PN3     327 73 30     PN-2609-85     Personnel
TANNER,  John  Harvey               HM1     605 72 66     HM-8405-85     Infirmary
TAYLOR,  Bernard Daniel            AMAN     303 38 41     AM-7209-07     Air Frames
THOMAS,  James Paul                 AA     460 14 27     AN-0062-07     Air Frames
THOMASON,  Louis Bennie         ADC     274 54 88     AD-6444-07     Power Plants
THURSTON,  Albert Henry           AT3     318 20 56     AT-6689-85     Electronics
TIMMONS,  Charles John Jr.         AA     421 98 54     AN-0062-07     Leading Chief Office
TITHOF,  Albert Jervis                   SN     955 22 00     SH-3159-64     Maint. Office
TURCOTTE, Arthur Albert             AN     725 63 40     AM-7212-07     Air Frames
TURNER,  Louis (n)                     AF3     940 39 67     AF-3915-64     Gunnery Office
TURNER,  Louis John                  AL2     311 94 48     AL-6704-07     Plane Rdo


VAN HOUTEN,  Calvin Ross       AT2     302 80 38     AT-6689-07     Electronics
VARNER,  Dale Nevin                 AE3     365 84 00     AE-7109-07     Electronics


WALKER,  George Ralph           ADC     212 33 45     AD-6412-07     Operations Office
WALKER,  James Carl                AN     364 86 19      AN-0062-07     Power Plants
WALKER,  James Curtis             AT3     228 52 95     AT-6602-07     Electronics
WALTERS,  Walter Francis          AA     434 81 44     AT-0062-07     Commissary
WATERS,  Joseph Patrick            AA     911 92 74     AN-0062-07     Navigation Office
WEBER,  William Seth                AN     323 69 45     AN-0062-07     Ordinance
WEITZEL,  Daniel Frederick       AN     418 12 90     AN-0062-07     Electronics
WHITCOMB,  Winifield John      AL1     600 10 36     AL-6702-64     TAD Memphis
WICZUS,  Joseph (n)                ADC     212 47 40     AD-6443-07     TAD Fasron
WIGAND,  Karl Hubert                AN     235 67 65     AN-0062-07     Barracks #417
WILEY,  Eugene Nichols         AOAN     335 67 50     AO-6809-85     Gunnery Office
WILLIAMS,  Billy Trent              ALAN     281 10 15     AL-6709-85     Electronics
WILLIAMS,  James Doyle          MNC     337 41 29     MN-1201-01     Ordinance
WIMSATT,  Peter Michael          ATAN     345 26 80     AT-6689-65     Electronics
WINKLER,  Edward Bell               AL1     756 12 11     AL-6402-07     Plane Rdo
WISENBAUGH,  Frank (n)          AO2     602 81 63     AO-6802-07     Ordinance
WOLF,  Charles Edward               AE2     361 20 01     AE-7102-07     Electronics
WOLFE,  Roy Donald                  AL2     302 52 72     AL-6709-07     Plane Rdo
WOLSKI,  Anthony (n)                 AO3     302 40 12     AO-6802-07     Ordinance
WOODBURN,  Floyd William        AN     930 02 01     AO-6809-07     Ordinance
WOOSTER, Jack Francis             SN     235 66 30     SN-0009-07     TAD School
WRIGHT,  Donald Irvin                AT3     365 06 98     AT-6689-85     Electronics


YOUNG,  John Robert                AO2     612 80 82     AO-6812-07     Ordinance


ZIMMERLEE,  Harry Barton          SA     364 11 20            0062-07     Personnel
ZOTTO,  Theodore Anthony          AA     461 51 17            0062-07     Carpenter Shop     

1951 Flight Crew List (Partial)

HC-8 1951 Flight Crew List
PPC Ens. RB. Mahon
2nd Lt. Ferguson
Nav. LTJG Ford
Nav. LTJG Rex

Plane Captain ADC Levi Frisque*
2nd Mech. ________________
1st Ord. AO1 David Offrell
2nd Ord. AOAN Jayrell Marion
1st Radio ALC Harold Ludlam
2nd Radio ALAN George Rushe

*In early 1952, James, Quentin L. was made PC on HC-8

1953 Flight Crew List (Partial)


Crew HC-8

LCDR George Sutton, PPC
LT. Wallace Amling, Copilot
LTJG William Gerber, Copilot (relieved Amling)
LTJG Robert L. Wolen, Navigator
John A. Williams, ADC, PC
Leslie A. Raye, ADAN, 1st. Mech
John P. (Jake) Benner, AT2, Radar
George R. Ryan, AO2, 1st. Ordinance
Steve C. Sullivan, AO3, 2nd Ordnance
BobbY R. Fleming, AT1, 1st. Radio
James E. (Bill) Gilliam, AL3, 2nd. Radio