Entry Date: 43
Exit Date: 45
Squad: 111
Status: D: ?/07/2012
“Information from “”Bud”” Mills email of December 28, 2012; ….””please note James Corbett Gibson, 43-45 Texas, passed away July, 2012. His widow Eloise survives him. I am honored and proud to have served with Jim and our crew, during World War II, 34 months, in the American Theater, European Theater, North African Theater, Pacific Theater. He is remembered with affection. He was our Radio Operator on the B-24, PB4Y1, VPB 111, Crew 12 in the Pacific,
Remaining members of the Crew living: Harold H. Ashton, Plane Commander residing in St. Helena, Ca., Sam Leonetti, Plane Captain, residing in Egg Harbor, New Jersey, Norwood Sperry, tail gunner, residing in Florida, and myself Farville K. “Bud” Mills, Bombardier.
Others gone on before, James G. Bell, gunner; Frank H. Brauner, gunner-photographer; Edward Trybala, radar operator and Ken La Count, gunner,
H. Hutchison, Co pilot and J. Hanzel, Navigator. A total of 105 Combat Missions completed; American Theater 26, European 35, Pacific 44″